Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bump Watch 2009- Week 17/18

Well,'s the scoop (or, the "poop" as some like to call it)...

I'm in month 4 and about to head into month 5, which is amazing to me. I can't believe how quickly time is flying! First trimester wasn't easy, but it wasn't nearly as bad as other people's experiences. I didn't get sick once (knock on wood), but I was nauseous all the time. It was like I had a full time hang-over, just minus the headaches & actual drinking! Breads, pastas and carbs (I know, all those things), were the only thing that helped the feeling. I also was exhausted all the time.

Now that I'm in second trimester, I am feeling 100% better. I'm back to working out at least every other day :) yay! The nauseousness is gone and I have energy...well, at least more energy than 1st tri.

I have started to feel what's called the quickening...light fluttering. Here and there (and lately even more), I'm starting to feel the baby. Some people describe it to be like a goldfish swimming, others describe it as butterflies favorite description was of popcorn popping :) although to me it feels more like the other two. I am starting to show, but it's not a pronounced "bump" yet. I'll post last week's picture below. Within a few weeks, the bump should definitely start to grow and I should look more pregnant and less round/just fat!

February 5th is our big ultrasound day. We get to bring a video tape in to record it and we'll get to see the baby! They'll take measurements & check for health issues, too. I just can't wait to see his/her face (as best as we can!!!) and watch the movements.

Now you're up to speed with me :) What's going on in your life?!?!?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy 55th Birthday, Dad!

We love you! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bump Watch 2009

How about a week-to-week update/photo journal of the little one blossoming in Joyce's belly!? I need supporters! Who's with me!?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!

Here's to a healthy & happy 2009!